Had trouble sleeping again last night...just when I thought it was safe to start weaning myself off the Chamomile. I'm actually beginning to develop a taste for it.
I'm rather rusty at this blogging thing. The last time I posted on my (now defunct) blog was just after my foot surgery, and that was nigh on two years ago.
Where was I...Ah yes! English.
I overheard a conversation at work today. It all started when a coworker of mine said her husband was an English Liverpudlian. I was about to quip something about him being a Scouser, but I was not sure how this would be received. (Must ask British friends if this is considered derogatory or not.)
That led to another person saying that they needed subtitles to understand British TV. It made me think, why do Americans have such trouble with British accents. This isn't the first time I have heard something of the sort. Maybe for me the accent really isn't hard to understand because my mother spent her teenage years in Britain, and I watch inordinate amounts of British TV an movies. Granted, RP is easier to grasp than a thick Scots accent, but even those aren't that difficult. Have Americans moved from being monolingual to mono-accentual (is that a word?) as well? I mean it is just plain English, isn't it? Ah well.......
As for tomorrow, more training from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. I wish the extra responsibility at work did not come with so much hassle. I almost cried today. I have too much to do already without spending all day in a conference room.