Friday, July 1, 2011

Our Spaceships are Bigger than Your Spaceships.....

According to this Starship Comparison Chart, practically all of the ships on Babylon 5 are bigger than a good half of the ships on Star Trek (bigger by far than all the Federation ships. The Earth Alliance ships alone make them look like flies). Of course, B5 also has better writing and acting, but there isn't a comparison chart for that...yet. I just get a little bit of satisfaction by telling all my trekkie friends that B5 has bigger ships. So raspberries to all of them.

  On another mother has a blog now.....Yes, your eyes do not deceive you, my mother has a blog.  I was completely shocked because for years both my parents have oft declaimed the self-centeredness of my generation, how they are so self-focused they have blogs. Of course, I have a had a blog myself on and off for a number of years, so every time that subject came up, the opposite wall or my fingernails suddenly became very interesting. I never told them about it.  I did finally tell my mother I have had a blog for quite some time, but I would never let them read it. Why? Because I like to avoid awkward situations such as "we need to talk about what you wrote on your blog yesterday".

Will I let my parents read my blog...eventually? Probably, but I am still considering the idea. Some things I do like to at least believe are my own, even if they are not.